Stats for 250004 listings

Top categories

Duty Count
Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme) 48570
Everkeep (Extreme) 47226
None 25727
GatheringForay 24018
TreasureHunt 11514
TreasureHunt 10143
TreasureHunt 8050
TreasureHunt 6849
TreasureHunt 6721
TreasureHunt 6298
Duty Roulette: Leveling 3569
The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) 1210
Duty Roulette: High-level Dungeons 1109
HighEndDuty 1050
HighEndDuty 965
The Omega Protocol (Ultimate) 940
Aglaia 938
The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) 922
Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) 919
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy 904
Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) 855
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) 836
Castrum Marinum (Extreme) 773
Vanguard 760
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage) 755
Delubrum Reginae 710
The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) 708
The Interphos 697
The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme) 694
The Voidcast Dais (Extreme) 656
Cinder Drift (Extreme) 637
The Dancing Plague (Extreme) 633
TreasureHunt 617
Duty Roulette: Expert 613
The Cloud Deck (Extreme) 603
Mount Ordeals (Extreme) 568
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call 563
TreasureHunt 547
The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme) 541
Memoria Misera (Extreme) 530
Storm's Crown (Extreme) 529
The Great Hunt (Extreme) 515
The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall 514
TreasureHunt 511
The Pool of Tribute (Extreme) 506
The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain 498
HighEndDuty 478
The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria 471
Hells' Kier (Extreme) 442
Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage) 425
FieldOperation 420
The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) 411
The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) 409
HighEndDuty 394
TreasureHunt 349
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage) 344
TreasureHunt 341
TreasureHunt 334
The Jade Stoa (Extreme) 334
TreasureHunt 326
Duty Roulette: Main Scenario 319
Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) 310
Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage) 303
TreasureHunt 301
Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) 289
Origenics 279
The Hunt 273
Everkeep 272
Duty Roulette: Trials 271
Emanation (Extreme) 248
The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain 246
The Strayborough Deadwalk 239
Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage) 234
Tender Valley 233
FieldOperation 233
Worqor Zormor 220
Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage) 218
FieldOperation 214
The Skydeep Cenote 211
Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) 196
TreasureHunt 189
The Abyssal Fracture 188
Ihuykatumu 172
Worqor Lar Dor 166
All Levels 165
The Howling Eye (Extreme) 161
The Limitless Blue (Extreme) 160
<unknown> 159
The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign 154
TreasureHunt 153
The Copied Factory 153
TreasureHunt 150
Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids 145
The Hunt 144
The Gilded Araya 141
Crystalline Conflict (Custom Match - The Palaistra) 140
The Final Day 134
The Voidcast Dais 133
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) 128
Castrum Fluminis 124
Thok ast Thok (Extreme) 123
Storm's Crown 123
Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) 119
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage 118
Alexandria 117
Cinder Drift 117
<unknown> 115
The Puppets' Bunker 113
The Dancing Plague 112
The Hunt 112
Duty Roulette: Normal Raids 112
Eden's Gate: Resurrection 111
TreasureHunt 111
The Dark Inside 110
The Dead Ends 109
Mount Ordeals 109
The Crown of the Immaculate 106
The Navel (Extreme) 106
Ktisis Hyperboreia 106
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) 105
Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis (Savage) 103
The Seat of Sacrifice 99
Deltascape V3.0 98
Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage) 95
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme) 95
The Labyrinth of the Ancients 95
Thaleia 95
The Tower at Paradigm's Breach 95
The Grand Cosmos 94
Eden's Promise: Umbra 91
<unknown> 90
The Lunar Subterrane 89
Eden's Verse: Fulmination 88
The Striking Tree (Extreme) 88
The Tower of Zot 86
TreasureHunt 85
Matoya's Relict 84
Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage) 84
Castrum Marinum 83
Vanaspati 83
The Dying Gasp 83
<unknown> 82
Asphodelos: The First Circle 82
TreasureHunt 81
Thornmarch (Hard) 80
The Cloud Deck 79
Abyssos: The Fifth Circle 79
Paglth'an 78
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) 78
The Whorleater (Extreme) 77
Emanation 77
<unknown> 77
Eden's Promise: Eternity 75
Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage) 75
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 74
The Hunt 74
The Aitiascope 73
The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane 73
Urth's Fount 72
<unknown> 71
Eden's Gate: Descent (Savage) 71
Eden's Gate: Resurrection (Savage) 69
Sastasha (Hard) 68
Kugane Ohashi 68
Hells' Kier 67
Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle 65
The Tower of Babil 64
Thok ast Thok (Hard) 64
Alzadaal's Legacy 64
Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage) 61
Alphascape V3.0 61
The Whorleater (Hard) 61
The Bowl of Embers (Hard) 61
Syrcus Tower 61
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 59
Ocean Fishing 59
TreasureHunt 58
Euphrosyne 58
Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage) 58
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 57
The Void Ark 57
Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle 56
Sigmascape V1.0 56
The Navel (Hard) 56
The Heroes' Gauntlet 56
The Orbonne Monastery 56
<unknown> 55
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage) 55
The Royal City of Rabanastre 54
Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage) 54
Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage) 53
The Pool of Tribute 53
Dun Scaith 52
Lapis Manalis 52
Abyssos: The Fifth Circle (Savage) 52
The Striking Tree (Hard) 51
Deltascape V1.0 51
The Mothercrystal 50
Malikah's Well 49
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 49
TreasureHunt 49
The Hunt 48
Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage) 48
The Final Steps of Faith 47
The Weeping City of Mhach 47
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) 46
The Fell Court of Troia 46
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle 45
The Chrysalis 45
Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage) 45
The Aurum Vale 45
The Royal Menagerie 44
Alphascape V1.0 44
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle 44
Deltascape V2.0 (Savage) 43
The Limitless Blue (Hard) 43
The Great Hunt 43
Mt. Gulg 42
The World of Darkness 42
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) 42
Zadnor 41
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft 41
Anamnesis Anyder 41
Solemn Trinity 40
The Aetherfont 38
Amaurot 38
The Singularity Reactor 38
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 38
The Ridorana Lighthouse 38
TreasureHunt 37
Alphascape V3.0 (Savage) 37
Thornmarch (Extreme) 37
Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage) 36
Eden's Verse: Refulgence 35
Alexander - The Fist of the Father 35
The Wreath of Snakes 34
Deltascape V4.0 34
Cutter's Cry 34
Abyssos: The Seventh Circle 34
Abyssos: The Sixth Circle 33
Eden's Gate: Sepulture 33
The Hunt 33
Dohn Mheg 33
Deltascape V1.0 (Savage) 33
Hidden Gorge 32
The Wanderer's Palace 32
The Dragon's Neck 32
A Relic Reborn: the Chimera 31
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard) 31
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 30
Eden's Promise: Litany 30
The Qitana Ravel 29
The Bozjan Southern Front 29
Eden's Gate: Descent 29
The Howling Eye (Hard) 28
The Stone Vigil (Hard) 28
TreasureHunt 27
Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator 27
Hells' Lid 26
TreasureHunt 26
Holminster Switch 26
Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis 26
The Jade Stoa 25
Shisui of the Violet Tides 24
Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage) 24
The Drowned City of Skalla 24
Snowcloak 24
The Swallow's Compass 24
Seal Rock (Seize) 24
Asphodelos: The Second Circle 24
Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage) 23
Delubrum Reginae (Savage) 23
Under the Armor 23
The Aetherochemical Research Facility 23
The Dusk Vigil 23
TreasureHunt 22
The Hunt 22
The Temple of the Fist 22
Alexander - The Fist of the Son 22
Alphascape V4.0 22
Amdapor Keep 22
Deltascape V3.0 (Savage) 21
A Relic Reborn: the Hydra 21
The Vault 21
Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam) 21
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle 21
Haukke Manor 21
The Twinning 21
Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle 21
Alphascape V1.0 (Savage) 20
Sohm Al 20
Containment Bay S1T7 20
Alexander - The Burden of the Son 20
The Bowl of Embers 20
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 20
Eden's Gate: Inundation 20
The Antitower 20
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm 20
Containment Bay P1T6 19
Halatali 19
Doma Castle 19
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 19
The Burn 19
The Aery 19
Eden's Verse: Furor 19
The Hunt 18
The Hunt 18
Asphodelos: The Third Circle 18
Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage) 18
Alphascape V2.0 (Savage) 18
Pharos Sirius (Hard) 17
The Keeper of the Lake 17
Alexander - The Fist of the Father (Savage) 17
The Stigma Dreamscape 17
Castrum Abania 17
Dzemael Darkhold 17
The Ghimlyt Dark 17
Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage) 17
Sastasha 17
Pharos Sirius 16
Sigmascape V3.0 16
The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 4 16
The Sirensong Sea 16
Daily Challenge: Frontline 16
TreasureHunt 16
TreasureHunt 15
Kugane Castle 15
Sigmascape V4.0 15
The Stone Vigil 15
Bardam's Mettle 15
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak 15
Copperbell Mines 15
Smileton 15
TreasureHunt 14
The Sunken Temple of Qarn 14
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) 14
TreasureHunt 14
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 14
The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos 14
TreasureHunt 13
The Lost City of Amdapor 13
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) 13
Containment Bay Z1T9 13
Akadaemia Anyder 13
Basic Training: Enemy Parties 12
The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos 12
The Great Gubal Library 12
Sigmascape V2.0 12
TreasureHunt 12
Battle on the Big Bridge 12
Baelsar's Wall 12
TreasureHunt 12
Battle in the Big Keep 11
TreasureHunt 11
The Fields of Glory (Shatter) 11
FATEs 11
Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage) 11
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) 11
The Navel 11
Brayflox's Longstop 11
The Diadem 11
Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage) 10
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 10
Sohr Khai 10
Alexander - The Burden of the Father 10
The Hunt 9
TreasureHunt 9
The Great Gubal Library (Hard) 9
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 9
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 9
The Fractal Continuum (Hard) 9
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 9
Neverreap 9
The Praetorium 9
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) 9
Alexander - The Arm of the Father (Savage) 9
Sohm Al (Hard) 9
The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 1 9
Duty Roulette: Guildhests 8
Alphascape V2.0 8
Halatali (Hard) 8
Alexander - The Arm of the Father 8
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator 8
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum 8
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) 8
Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage) 8
The Howling Eye 8
Ala Mhigo 8
The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos 7
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) 7
The Porta Decumana 7
Deltascape V2.0 6
Amdapor Keep (Hard) 6
The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros 6
Hullbreaker Isle 6
Copperbell Mines (Hard) 6
Castrum Meridianum 6
TreasureHunt 5
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator 5
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father 5
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator 5
The Fractal Continuum 4
The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 2 4
Xelphatol 4
Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) 4
TreasureHunt 3
<unknown> 3
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son 3
TreasureHunt 3
Hullbreaker Isle (Hard) 3
Haukke Manor (Hard) 2
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) 2
TreasureHunt 2
TreasureHunt 2
GoldSaucer 2
The Hunt 2
TreasureHunt 1
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) 1
Hero on the Half Shell 1
TreasureHunt 1
TreasureHunt 1
Ward Up 1
Crystalline Conflict (Custom Match - The Red Sands) 1
The Hunt 1
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) 1
The Hunt 1
Alexander - The Arm of the Son 1
Pulling Poison Posies 1
Crystalline Conflict (Custom Match - The Volcanic Heart) 1
TreasureHunt 1
Zadnor 1

Top hosts

World (created) Name Count
Seraph Aurilia Blast @ Famfrit 81
Seraph Cirka Miqo'te @ Seraph 52
Seraph Cain Fuoco @ Seraph 23
Seraph Aldwyn Halthor @ Seraph 23
Seraph Mia Mewrilah @ Seraph 22
Seraph Selphie Tilmitt @ Seraph 20
Seraph Marx Del'hevia @ Seraph 20
Seraph Airell Syllai @ Seraph 20
Seraph Abigail Grimscythe @ Seraph 20
Seraph Alluka Xx @ Sargatanas 20
Seraph Blaire Waycrest @ Seraph 18
Seraph Phenn Atreus @ Seraph 18
Seraph Shiloh Handa @ Seraph 18
Seraph Ibuki Harukawa @ Seraph 18
Seraph Gabriela Martins @ Zalera 17
Seraph Other 5746
Tonberry Marishka Versace @ Tonberry 32
Tonberry Azuma Misaki @ Tonberry 30
Tonberry Percival Heisenberg @ Tonberry 30
Tonberry Aki Taira @ Tonberry 28
Tonberry Solaris Daerva @ Tonberry 28
Tonberry Sylv Hoshimachi @ Tonberry 27
Tonberry Raines Arrow @ Tonberry 25
Tonberry Maiden Less @ Tonberry 24
Tonberry Chrollo Bloodfallen @ Tonberry 24
Tonberry Kate Blueberry @ Tonberry 22
Tonberry Layla' Rose @ Tonberry 22
Tonberry Alegria Versace @ Tonberry 21
Tonberry Siri Mon @ Tonberry 21
Tonberry Blau Ancalagon @ Tonberry 21
Tonberry Mini Simp @ Tonberry 21
Tonberry Other 5026
Gilgamesh Omoikane Tea @ Gilgamesh 59
Gilgamesh Chizette Windsor @ Gilgamesh 54
Gilgamesh Roselle Windsor @ Gilgamesh 43
Gilgamesh Larry David @ Gilgamesh 33
Gilgamesh Alluka Lol @ Gilgamesh 30
Gilgamesh Kai Ex @ Gilgamesh 28
Gilgamesh Lyn Mistel @ Gilgamesh 23
Gilgamesh Gainz Mcprotein @ Gilgamesh 23
Gilgamesh Magic Wand @ Gilgamesh 22
Gilgamesh Feliz Jueves @ Gilgamesh 21
Gilgamesh Yili Damir @ Gilgamesh 21
Gilgamesh Karilan Black @ Gilgamesh 20
Gilgamesh Reina Malheur @ Gilgamesh 17
Gilgamesh Kamisato Ayaka @ Gilgamesh 17
Gilgamesh Kinoko Shrooms @ Gilgamesh 17
Gilgamesh Other 4704
Behemoth Padilha Dunhall @ Behemoth 90
Behemoth Alys Highwind @ Behemoth 27
Behemoth Joshua Astora @ Behemoth 25
Behemoth Lahkesis Scathach @ Behemoth 25
Behemoth Fayt Tenebris @ Behemoth 24
Behemoth Snow Vll @ Behemoth 24
Behemoth Miyuki Mochizuki @ Behemoth 22
Behemoth Tersano Camardella @ Behemoth 21
Behemoth Harper Jacques @ Behemoth 21
Behemoth Lazine Karovek @ Behemoth 20
Behemoth Light Yagami @ Behemoth 19
Behemoth Lucas Luel @ Behemoth 19
Behemoth Ayde Yumeri @ Behemoth 18
Behemoth Koema Amigo @ Behemoth 18
Behemoth Blackrose Nameless @ Behemoth 18
Behemoth Other 4536
Faerie Estelle Paige @ Faerie 77
Faerie Horn Knee @ Faerie 20
Faerie Rytlockie Moonrunner @ Faerie 18
Faerie Eva Hikari @ Faerie 17
Faerie Lunar Applesauce @ Faerie 17
Faerie Rigzby Rollins @ Faerie 17
Faerie Bellatrix Arya @ Faerie 16
Faerie Vencio Luirex @ Faerie 16
Faerie Cobalt Cinder @ Faerie 16
Faerie Wyra Gamduhl @ Faerie 15
Faerie Keiki Mhusa @ Faerie 14
Faerie Haku Paku @ Gilgamesh 14
Faerie Hirose Haru @ Faerie 14
Faerie Lemon Bread @ Faerie 14
Faerie Eumosfhoros Kaxlyoth @ Faerie 14
Faerie Other 4457
Midgardsormr Nixana Caliburn @ Midgardsormr 49
Midgardsormr Felt Kiada @ Midgardsormr 30
Midgardsormr Ceren Shi @ Midgardsormr 29
Midgardsormr Albe Daemon @ Midgardsormr 22
Midgardsormr Xihla Edaeji @ Midgardsormr 21
Midgardsormr Mewmew Knight @ Midgardsormr 20
Midgardsormr Junie Maria @ Midgardsormr 20
Midgardsormr Hiromi Mitsuko @ Midgardsormr 19
Midgardsormr Goetia Ozel @ Midgardsormr 19
Midgardsormr Ame Sagiri @ Midgardsormr 18
Midgardsormr Syaro Kirima @ Midgardsormr 18
Midgardsormr Meliton Pyromaxos @ Midgardsormr 16
Midgardsormr Zi' Tah @ Midgardsormr 16
Midgardsormr Aria Ni'ahxi @ Midgardsormr 16
Midgardsormr Cerix Magikus @ Midgardsormr 15
Midgardsormr Other 4236
Leviathan Gintana Khilo @ Leviathan 31
Leviathan Emilia Knabe @ Leviathan 25
Leviathan Bipolar Girlfriend @ Leviathan 24
Leviathan Hammer Man @ Leviathan 24
Leviathan Lil Judo @ Leviathan 21
Leviathan Joseph Mcidiot @ Leviathan 20
Leviathan Heretic Gar @ Leviathan 20
Leviathan Krinx Blackstone @ Leviathan 20
Leviathan Uncle Chen @ Leviathan 19
Leviathan U'fehpa Tia @ Leviathan 19
Leviathan Chiisai Yokai @ Leviathan 18
Leviathan Fallanar Windsong @ Leviathan 16
Leviathan Lazer Tuna @ Leviathan 16
Leviathan Praelia Tenebrarum @ Leviathan 16
Leviathan Sir Markmallow @ Leviathan 15
Leviathan Other 4221
Cactuar Lyanne Valtierra @ Cactuar 34
Cactuar B'raemha Yascaret @ Midgardsormr 32
Cactuar Scarlett Veritas @ Cactuar 30
Cactuar Valetan Asenka @ Cactuar 24
Cactuar A'llurya Purrington @ Cactuar 24
Cactuar Omega Zylcryst @ Cactuar 23
Cactuar Rui Rin @ Cactuar 21
Cactuar Ice Qx @ Cactuar 19
Cactuar Hildebrandt Burnsby @ Cactuar 18
Cactuar Mikettio Jibe @ Cactuar 17
Cactuar Serena Lucaria @ Cactuar 16
Cactuar Danger Noodle @ Cactuar 16
Cactuar Chrono Ashtear @ Cactuar 15
Cactuar March Seventh @ Cactuar 14
Cactuar M'hira Falh @ Cactuar 14
Cactuar Other 3980
Jenova Sycella Morning @ Jenova 34
Jenova Mikoto Toranaga @ Jenova 28
Jenova Emma West @ Jenova 22
Jenova Hideki Buhen @ Jenova 20
Jenova Noralia Eien @ Jenova 18
Jenova Spice Mcgee @ Jenova 17
Jenova Farramud Blackburn @ Jenova 17
Jenova J'ia Rhun @ Jenova 16
Jenova Taifu Ramkov @ Jenova 16
Jenova Cirill Kikiksu @ Jenova 15
Jenova Peachy Cakes @ Jenova 15
Jenova Casey Mere @ Jenova 14
Jenova Bell Miorine @ Jenova 14
Jenova Vlare Poisonheart @ Jenova 14
Jenova Night Raid- @ Jenova 14
Jenova Other 3882
Exodus Bailey-cohen Elthorn @ Exodus 33
Exodus Dob Whiskers @ Exodus 29
Exodus Jessica Pyro @ Exodus 26
Exodus Madam Sharky @ Exodus 22
Exodus Astro Flux' @ Exodus 21
Exodus Coco Chanel @ Exodus 20
Exodus Crimson Ursa @ Exodus 20
Exodus Mad Hardcore @ Exodus 20
Exodus Alexsandll Lagusa @ Exodus 19
Exodus Aubrey Kidona @ Exodus 19
Exodus Wowaka Waka @ Exodus 16
Exodus Bailey Cohen @ Exodus 15
Exodus Parrhelion Rue @ Exodus 15
Exodus Leon Rey @ Exodus 14
Exodus Asriel Pancakes @ Exodus 14
Exodus Other 3835
Excalibur Big Green @ Excalibur 30
Excalibur Yuriko Mh @ Excalibur 28
Excalibur Serpentine Fire @ Excalibur 21
Excalibur Sugimoto Saichi @ Excalibur 19
Excalibur Turns Glimbo @ Excalibur 18
Excalibur Kei Okazaki @ Excalibur 17
Excalibur Pink Peanut @ Excalibur 17
Excalibur Anba Dawnseeker @ Excalibur 15
Excalibur Mr Lightningbolt @ Excalibur 14
Excalibur Lustre Solaris @ Excalibur 14
Excalibur Iridia Feymild @ Excalibur 14
Excalibur Yuuna Tanoshimi @ Excalibur 13
Excalibur Jacaerys Konighart @ Excalibur 13
Excalibur Vert Vert @ Excalibur 13
Excalibur Beau Caddel @ Excalibur 13
Excalibur Other 3750
Ultros Nya Ruko @ Ultros 59
Ultros Spider Aba @ Ultros 42
Ultros Allanon Al'nox @ Ultros 34
Ultros Haeldir Eagleheart @ Ultros 22
Ultros Artin Artemis @ Ultros 21
Ultros Nota Thot @ Ultros 19
Ultros Le' Grasstoucher @ Ultros 17
Ultros Stephen Heyen @ Ultros 16
Ultros Zeal Black @ Ultros 16
Ultros Ryan Natsuki @ Ultros 15
Ultros Celcius Meijin @ Ultros 15
Ultros Liana Sandhopper @ Ultros 15
Ultros Cherry Skittlz @ Ultros 15
Ultros Y'shargal Nhami @ Ultros 15
Ultros Reiyan Ravhe @ Ultros 14
Ultros Other 3660
Sargatanas Aroes Redfiend @ Sargatanas 52
Sargatanas K'itimi Ozone @ Sargatanas 27
Sargatanas Lux Fiat @ Sargatanas 24
Sargatanas Maya Starr @ Sargatanas 23
Sargatanas Rin Shinimi @ Sargatanas 20
Sargatanas Kappa Inc @ Sargatanas 18
Sargatanas Faith Starshine @ Sargatanas 17
Sargatanas Cassandra Drogon @ Sargatanas 16
Sargatanas Kath Blackthorne @ Sargatanas 16
Sargatanas Greg Gerg @ Sargatanas 16
Sargatanas Kiwita Xa @ Sargatanas 15
Sargatanas Yori Uzuka @ Sargatanas 15
Sargatanas Hirai Hiragi @ Sargatanas 14
Sargatanas Nomadic Lily @ Sargatanas 14
Sargatanas Dee Colon @ Sargatanas 14
Sargatanas Other 3678
Lamia Patrizio Gucci @ Lamia 38
Lamia Arganthe Nethersong @ Lamia 26
Lamia Hankinscrew Unknown @ Lamia 24
Lamia Kite Bloodsky @ Lamia 21
Lamia Golgotha Barroward @ Lamia 18
Lamia Debiru Man @ Lamia 17
Lamia Namikosan Horie @ Lamia 16
Lamia Skeith Misaki @ Lamia 16
Lamia Reyen Starfyre @ Lamia 16
Lamia Xylixia Xisyss @ Lamia 14
Lamia Ceryoo Ito @ Lamia 14
Lamia Mr Hyde @ Lamia 14
Lamia Yuli'ra Relanah @ Lamia 14
Lamia Venera Cousland @ Lamia 13
Lamia Ameri Cano @ Lamia 13
Lamia Other 3691
Chocobo Dorothea Arnault @ Chocobo 64
Chocobo Shichimiya Satone @ Chocobo 52
Chocobo Sukama Erubero @ Chocobo 43
Chocobo Lewis Rayvis @ Chocobo 41
Chocobo Momidi Winston @ Chocobo 28
Chocobo Zangetsu Imi @ Typhon 25
Chocobo Yuki Imajuku @ Chocobo 24
Chocobo Thana Tos @ Chocobo 23
Chocobo Ki Kiirono @ Mandragora 23
Chocobo Reoru Papon @ Chocobo 23
Chocobo Jona Drift @ Ultima 21
Chocobo Nao Chigasaki @ Chocobo 21
Chocobo Milk Teamo @ Chocobo 19
Chocobo Nia Chaso @ Chocobo 19
Chocobo Chika Detective @ Garuda 19
Chocobo Other 3513
Ragnarok Lissandra Toel @ Ragnarok 24
Ragnarok Byleth Tarallo @ Ragnarok 21
Ragnarok Hakai Destroyer @ Ragnarok 21
Ragnarok Tequila Slammer @ Ragnarok 20
Ragnarok Fanta Heartilly @ Ragnarok 19
Ragnarok Chun Ji @ Ragnarok 18
Ragnarok Karm At't @ Ragnarok 17
Ragnarok Jesss Tah @ Ragnarok 17
Ragnarok Xell Dincht @ Ragnarok 17
Ragnarok Psaid Peaceplace @ Ragnarok 16
Ragnarok Kami Inari @ Ragnarok 16
Ragnarok Arwen Eowyn @ Ragnarok 15
Ragnarok Don Kenpachi @ Ragnarok 15
Ragnarok Bella Peacemaker @ Ragnarok 15
Ragnarok Reverend Insanity @ Ragnarok 15
Ragnarok Other 3646
Famfrit Taotaomona Powers @ Famfrit 46
Famfrit Arius Xander @ Famfrit 42
Famfrit Amelia Yascaret @ Behemoth 33
Famfrit Mitsuha Miyamizu @ Famfrit 30
Famfrit Lynn Silvers @ Famfrit 22
Famfrit S'rana Matsui @ Famfrit 22
Famfrit U'laine Arayle @ Famfrit 22
Famfrit Lumina Lux @ Famfrit 20
Famfrit Axil Rysst @ Famfrit 19
Famfrit Shi Dak @ Famfrit 18
Famfrit Sad Chokobo @ Famfrit 18
Famfrit Siege Verna @ Famfrit 16
Famfrit Defiler Prosciutto @ Famfrit 16
Famfrit Akame Murasamee @ Famfrit 16
Famfrit Whyte Roze @ Famfrit 16
Famfrit Other 3509
Odin Sianah Silk @ Odin 35
Odin Avatar Belial @ Odin 26
Odin Ayaka Suzumiya @ Odin 26
Odin Bunny Hop @ Odin 25
Odin Ichi Mimiki @ Odin 18
Odin Beetlejuice Gremory @ Odin 17
Odin Nina A- @ Odin 16
Odin Pepithhoo Ronso @ Odin 15
Odin Lucien Vis @ Odin 15
Odin Fasto Boop @ Odin 14
Odin Mystic Ethereal @ Odin 14
Odin Andrea Heth @ Odin 14
Odin Averil Ward @ Odin 13
Odin Ardyn Mizunia @ Odin 13
Odin Simo Zleep @ Odin 13
Odin Other 3400
Phoenix Megumi Amano @ Phoenix 39
Phoenix Makoto Nanaya @ Phoenix 33
Phoenix Fayt Pixels @ Phoenix 26
Phoenix Xa'thal Morrow @ Phoenix 25
Phoenix Astral Muffin @ Phoenix 21
Phoenix Daca'to Avolium @ Phoenix 20
Phoenix Sibolde Blacke @ Phoenix 16
Phoenix Purrrr Fection @ Phoenix 15
Phoenix Celestia Miqo'te @ Phoenix 15
Phoenix Aian Yarhu @ Phoenix 15
Phoenix Kaneli Rito @ Phoenix 15
Phoenix Miyuki Hanaarashi @ Phoenix 14
Phoenix Bean Buns @ Phoenix 14
Phoenix Soliradus Sears @ Phoenix 14
Phoenix Twig Master @ Phoenix 13
Phoenix Other 3340
Siren Altina Lapahie @ Siren 30
Siren Gummy Dolphin @ Siren 24
Siren Annie January @ Siren 18
Siren Peko Koneko @ Midgardsormr 17
Siren Hollows Yve @ Siren 17
Siren Julie Bunny @ Siren 16
Siren Bunqavious Bunster @ Siren 15
Siren Plain Doll @ Siren 15
Siren Kaliko Katte @ Siren 15
Siren Starus Leung @ Siren 14
Siren Batsheva Claire @ Siren 13
Siren Rage Tank @ Siren 12
Siren Aria Nilvalen @ Siren 12
Siren Ciaran Darkeater @ Siren 11
Siren Zoyla S'erda @ Siren 11
Siren Other 3380
Zalera Az'aratheon Zera @ Zalera 29
Zalera Fleur Bluhsom @ Zalera 20
Zalera Kuro Niji @ Zalera 18
Zalera Odinel Astravel @ Zalera 18
Zalera Celestial Amygdala @ Zalera 17
Zalera Far Tosh @ Zalera 17
Zalera Alurith Manderville @ Zalera 16
Zalera Dawnorin Liadrin @ Zalera 16
Zalera Archemy Rand @ Zalera 15
Zalera Amara Ithil @ Zalera 15
Zalera Nabi Elkheart @ Zalera 14
Zalera Nagunk Gunk @ Zalera 14
Zalera Deadhail Silver @ Zalera 13
Zalera Snickerdoodle Skyhops @ Zalera 13
Zalera Harz Zinnak @ Zalera 13
Zalera Other 3303
Cerberus Max Mayhem @ Cerberus 54
Cerberus Ika Masha @ Cerberus 28
Cerberus A'zu Zan'taba @ Cerberus 27
Cerberus Maranan Mergevolle @ Cerberus 26
Cerberus Njrl Ymir @ Cerberus 25
Cerberus Chris Snowqo'te @ Cerberus 22
Cerberus Misa Burns @ Cerberus 20
Cerberus Mox Nashi @ Cerberus 20
Cerberus Yukina Skylight @ Cerberus 17
Cerberus Zora Dark @ Cerberus 15
Cerberus Maria-sophie El-drago @ Cerberus 15
Cerberus Enania Joris @ Cerberus 15
Cerberus Kish Kish @ Cerberus 15
Cerberus Mizori Kraft @ Cerberus 14
Cerberus Ana Nas @ Cerberus 14
Cerberus Other 3157
Zodiark Shorayo Shirotsuki @ Zodiark 37
Zodiark Mikasa Natsuki @ Zodiark 23
Zodiark No Karma @ Zodiark 22
Zodiark Onu Takao @ Zodiark 17
Zodiark Kranel San @ Zodiark 17
Zodiark Jhiin Amane @ Zodiark 17
Zodiark Mattis Magickcaster @ Zodiark 16
Zodiark Illua Rhin'to @ Zodiark 15
Zodiark Puma Rose @ Zodiark 14
Zodiark Yoko He @ Zodiark 14
Zodiark Yuuki Chibana @ Zodiark 14
Zodiark Riley Road @ Zodiark 14
Zodiark Hennal Orphics @ Zodiark 13
Zodiark Lumey Velaris @ Zodiark 13
Zodiark Piozz Fair @ Zodiark 13
Zodiark Other 3217
Adamantoise Syn Cole @ Adamantoise 29
Adamantoise Zante Prayer @ Adamantoise 27
Adamantoise Hinata Matsuri @ Adamantoise 19
Adamantoise Iolaine Coultenet @ Adamantoise 18
Adamantoise Kaba Yuge @ Adamantoise 14
Adamantoise Genketsu Senketsu @ Adamantoise 14
Adamantoise Pavel Cj @ Adamantoise 14
Adamantoise Belraug Fire @ Adamantoise 14
Adamantoise Voynomir Brankasch @ Adamantoise 12
Adamantoise Tear Grants @ Adamantoise 12
Adamantoise Kurenai Shirogane @ Cactuar 12
Adamantoise Robert Manthanein @ Adamantoise 12
Adamantoise Glace Tempest @ Adamantoise 12
Adamantoise Meanie Xp @ Adamantoise 12
Adamantoise Freezing Realm @ Adamantoise 12
Adamantoise Other 3238
Ravana Lakiko Rex @ Ravana 43
Ravana White Mage @ Ravana 39
Ravana Strayt Wightmael @ Ravana 38
Ravana Il-white- Il @ Ravana 36
Ravana Ceo-of Bunnings @ Ravana 32
Ravana Mont Blanc @ Ravana 22
Ravana Freya Mizuki @ Ravana 18
Ravana Why Care @ Ravana 18
Ravana Shnazza Elite @ Ravana 17
Ravana Kyu Yasuhiko @ Ravana 17
Ravana Ithylia Aquitaine @ Ravana 17
Ravana Brew Tality @ Ravana 17
Ravana Logan Maverick @ Ravana 16
Ravana Amazic Erra @ Ravana 15
Ravana Rhayaa Elakha @ Ravana 15
Ravana Other 3107
Omega Arutina White @ Omega 38
Omega Momo Yua @ Omega 32
Omega Ark Morte @ Omega 30
Omega Gumball Wa @ Omega 27
Omega Nagi Noya @ Omega 27
Omega Shizzaren Yuunikonren @ Omega 24
Omega Eternal Sprout @ Omega 22
Omega Leo Yonaga @ Omega 21
Omega Motoko Kusanaghi @ Omega 21
Omega Mina Hummingway @ Omega 20
Omega Wardaddy Furye @ Omega 20
Omega Aria Swan @ Omega 19
Omega Geto Satoru @ Omega 19
Omega Mollie Darkspark @ Omega 18
Omega Anivia Sheherazade @ Omega 17
Omega Other 3109
Anima Rad Larme @ Carbuncle 45
Anima Chamy Xxx @ Titan 37
Anima Ice Mocha @ Anima 30
Anima Dra Chi @ Anima 24
Anima Mochi Mame @ Ramuh 24
Anima Louise Lunetoile @ Carbuncle 23
Anima Hegri Snbl @ Anima 23
Anima Ryo Yuki @ Anima 22
Anima Lily Ruthless @ Ixion 21
Anima Sharo Claris @ Anima 20
Anima Vin Carmin @ Anima 20
Anima Peace Pax @ Anima 18
Anima Dignify Lil @ Anima 17
Anima Jascha Kumita @ Ultima 17
Anima Gureijia Chamael @ Anima 17
Anima Other 3087
Hyperion Deru Izumi @ Hyperion 34
Hyperion Bro Flexing @ Hyperion 33
Hyperion Ryn Aerie @ Hyperion 27
Hyperion Echo Miya @ Hyperion 24
Hyperion Marshal Colzione @ Hyperion 21
Hyperion Fushiguro Zuluban @ Hyperion 20
Hyperion Kitty Cat @ Hyperion 18
Hyperion Shiiko Kun @ Hyperion 18
Hyperion Tymagon Taoba @ Hyperion 18
Hyperion Sakura Mcnamara @ Hyperion 18
Hyperion Codiac Snow @ Hyperion 17
Hyperion Duuude Bismarck @ Hyperion 17
Hyperion Suisei Pendragon @ Hyperion 16
Hyperion Audi Gabbiani @ Hyperion 15
Hyperion Vika Vilette @ Hyperion 15
Hyperion Other 3111
Spriggan Miho Bladesong @ Spriggan 49
Spriggan Frey'ynl Hath'traz @ Spriggan 31
Spriggan Pengu Rin @ Spriggan 30
Spriggan Nelly Nay @ Spriggan 22
Spriggan Einar Xvaleim @ Spriggan 21
Spriggan Ai Hoshi @ Phantom 18
Spriggan Rose Loha @ Spriggan 18
Spriggan Crowax Cursed @ Spriggan 18
Spriggan Sora Kajin @ Spriggan 16
Spriggan Yunyel Tuthanram @ Spriggan 15
Spriggan U'farizah Dahkza @ Spriggan 15
Spriggan Aeril Chivas @ Spriggan 15
Spriggan Laksder Laks @ Spriggan 15
Spriggan Proto Kurama @ Spriggan 14
Spriggan Papa Finn @ Spriggan 14
Spriggan Other 3099
Brynhildr Kyrn Escarletta @ Brynhildr 33
Brynhildr Sumi Kusushi @ Brynhildr 29
Brynhildr Glamorous Goddess @ Brynhildr 20
Brynhildr Venomous Abstract @ Brynhildr 20
Brynhildr Yuri Tenshi @ Brynhildr 16
Brynhildr Sethekis Suizahara @ Brynhildr 15
Brynhildr Osu Onyou @ Brynhildr 15
Brynhildr Melleedle Phoenix @ Brynhildr 14
Brynhildr Dramb Lys @ Brynhildr 14
Brynhildr Chocobro Porter @ Brynhildr 14
Brynhildr Mellie Lee @ Brynhildr 13
Brynhildr Carlton Cyprion @ Brynhildr 13
Brynhildr Gwen Arietta @ Brynhildr 13
Brynhildr Rarana Ai @ Brynhildr 12
Brynhildr Cassern Qestir @ Diabolos 12
Brynhildr Other 3140
Moogle Ai Heartbeat @ Moogle 33
Moogle Kloen Lansfiel @ Moogle 27
Moogle Michael Chatzipeter @ Moogle 23
Moogle Dyrito Asayo @ Moogle 23
Moogle Zireael Tempest @ Moogle 22
Moogle Erina Kuroshitsuji @ Moogle 22
Moogle Lostpinne Tree @ Moogle 22
Moogle Vito Andolini @ Moogle 21
Moogle Zeloss Middle @ Moogle 20
Moogle Hatsumomo Uzendayo @ Moogle 20
Moogle Meralda Gwan @ Moogle 19
Moogle Good Buncat @ Moogle 18
Moogle Unluky Reina @ Moogle 17
Moogle Claudio Yggdrasil @ Moogle 17
Moogle Fleurwen Debrey @ Moogle 15
Moogle Other 3043
Raiden Iyashi Nousagi @ Raiden 25
Raiden Nid Hogg @ Raiden 23
Raiden Meight Takanamy @ Raiden 21
Raiden Nefritiri Anubis @ Raiden 21
Raiden Ayumi Yui @ Raiden 20
Raiden Rhya Touille @ Raiden 20
Raiden Leamer Arusasu @ Raiden 19
Raiden Nzhet Ti @ Raiden 19
Raiden Alisaie Leveilleu'r @ Raiden 17
Raiden Caliban Sorrowbane @ Raiden 17
Raiden Naku Loyard @ Raiden 17
Raiden Aion Asima @ Raiden 16
Raiden Liyo-de Caeli @ Raiden 16
Raiden Seymour Cuteheart @ Raiden 15
Raiden Elijah Weiss @ Raiden 14
Raiden Other 3077
Diabolos Cassern Qestir @ Diabolos 31
Diabolos Momora Talamora @ Diabolos 23
Diabolos Quit Slacking @ Diabolos 22
Diabolos Ki Lala @ Diabolos 21
Diabolos Aazriel Midnightsky @ Diabolos 20
Diabolos Fruita Loo @ Diabolos 18
Diabolos Ever Oasis @ Diabolos 17
Diabolos Vin Tekiel @ Diabolos 16
Diabolos Meryl Campanula @ Diabolos 15
Diabolos Sariel Nailo @ Diabolos 15
Diabolos Ky Krebs @ Diabolos 15
Diabolos Chonker Jr @ Diabolos 13
Diabolos Samsqanch Goon @ Diabolos 13
Diabolos Astrid Belmont @ Diabolos 12
Diabolos Silver Andrrick @ Diabolos 12
Diabolos Other 3006
Twintania Feivel Fury @ Twintania 21
Twintania Cody Collector @ Twintania 19
Twintania Jezzica Rabbit @ Twintania 18
Twintania Lord Sphinx @ Twintania 17
Twintania Naho Tsuki @ Twintania 16
Twintania Bon Sol @ Twintania 16
Twintania Akira Astaria @ Twintania 15
Twintania Nova Cassiopeia @ Twintania 14
Twintania S'carletia Chi @ Twintania 13
Twintania Galder Higashikata @ Twintania 13
Twintania Yah Mann @ Twintania 13
Twintania Peak Performance @ Twintania 13
Twintania Himi Espear @ Twintania 12
Twintania Dora Aidoneus @ Twintania 12
Twintania Oliver Oakenhart @ Twintania 11
Twintania Other 3021
Malboro Shi Hasu @ Malboro 25
Malboro Yui Lazuli @ Malboro 23
Malboro Lucifurr Morningstar @ Malboro 20
Malboro Kupo Katnip @ Malboro 20
Malboro Vivi Vonbullsmith @ Malboro 19
Malboro Zane Shadowheart @ Malboro 18
Malboro Lapis Grimmholt @ Malboro 17
Malboro Its Rosie @ Malboro 17
Malboro Sofie Lointaine @ Malboro 16
Malboro Daddy Thelion @ Malboro 14
Malboro Freya Lionroar @ Malboro 14
Malboro Tiny Minion @ Malboro 13
Malboro Genie M'rie @ Malboro 13
Malboro Yuli Odellesti @ Malboro 13
Malboro Foolish One @ Malboro 12
Malboro Other 2977
Balmung Dante Dragonia @ Balmung 32
Balmung Luna'ra Nashutal @ Balmung 32
Balmung Odilon Sauvagerlain @ Mateus 30
Balmung Lyris Nightsong @ Balmung 26
Balmung Vyla Dei-ijla @ Goblin 24
Balmung Baked Popoto @ Balmung 21
Balmung Shae Zetsubo @ Balmung 20
Balmung Alphaeus Streamside @ Balmung 19
Balmung Odsar Kagon @ Balmung 19
Balmung Hanana Hana @ Balmung 16
Balmung Parapa Darapa @ Balmung 16
Balmung Rori Chan @ Balmung 15
Balmung Hoshi Kusakari @ Balmung 15
Balmung Aldric Sayrillont @ Balmung 14
Balmung Aedwen Morning @ Balmung 14
Balmung Other 2888
Lich Thornya Yhisa @ Lich 31
Lich Aoba Nobu @ Lich 25
Lich Phil Mckrakin @ Lich 24
Lich Elowei Deorain @ Lich 20
Lich Mira Su @ Lich 20
Lich Shin'yu Drag'ni @ Lich 17
Lich Yunii Vandante @ Lich 17
Lich M'iriam Yukikazu @ Lich 15
Lich Mildy Abbe @ Lich 15
Lich Cecile Cataclysme @ Lich 14
Lich Sassy Kitten @ Lich 13
Lich Maryjane Semperfi @ Lich 13
Lich Katia Long @ Lich 13
Lich Bunbot Supreme @ Lich 12
Lich Luna Twilight @ Lich 12
Lich Other 2920
Hades Neon Blue @ Hades 52
Hades Noctali Rayonlune @ Hades 30
Hades Zieg Feld @ Hades 26
Hades Mires Arin @ Hades 24
Hades Singularity Scr @ Hades 20
Hades Anne Littera @ Hades 19
Hades Kama Legna @ Hades 19
Hades Hoyaton Crunch @ Hades 18
Hades Lion Scarlet @ Hades 18
Hades Reito Asagiri @ Hades 18
Hades Linne Berlinetta @ Hades 17
Hades Dio Nioh @ Gungnir 16
Hades Eilis Enigma @ Zeromus 16
Hades Akane Saihara @ Hades 15
Hades Yanahu Phoenix @ Hades 14
Hades Other 2814
Halicarnassus Crux Oroq @ Halicarnassus 30
Halicarnassus Sxmyyli Tia @ Halicarnassus 16
Halicarnassus Omni Azure @ Halicarnassus 15
Halicarnassus Missangeilca Freeze @ Halicarnassus 14
Halicarnassus Kekeba Keba @ Halicarnassus 14
Halicarnassus Hestia Omori @ Halicarnassus 13
Halicarnassus Lanett Tenebrae @ Halicarnassus 12
Halicarnassus Vayne Insane @ Leviathan 11
Halicarnassus Runthar Lander @ Halicarnassus 11
Halicarnassus Xander Rosethorne @ Gilgamesh 10
Halicarnassus Voen Cyrus @ Halicarnassus 10
Halicarnassus Gyosei Yatsurugi @ Halicarnassus 10
Halicarnassus Oretta Daimhin @ Halicarnassus 10
Halicarnassus Aria Argenti @ Ultros 9
Halicarnassus Siren Sokute @ Halicarnassus 9
Halicarnassus Other 2932
Kujata Vasche Farron @ Kujata 32
Kujata Plum Blossom-f @ Kujata 29
Kujata Jaeger Oni @ Kujata 26
Kujata Equus Twice @ Kujata 22
Kujata Nocta Radiant @ Kujata 19
Kujata Reise Nesier @ Kujata 19
Kujata Bottu Mion @ Kujata 19
Kujata Sirus Harther @ Kujata 18
Kujata Go Eun @ Kujata 18
Kujata Kissa Fran @ Kujata 18
Kujata Tanat Duskcrown @ Kujata 17
Kujata Fiona Wrynn @ Kujata 17
Kujata Luki Nitro @ Kujata 17
Kujata Matsuko Dagama @ Kujata 16
Kujata Kanabunbun Nanakochan @ Kujata 16
Kujata Other 2759
Shiva Raelyn Izawa @ Shiva 28
Shiva Z'eno Lenoviar @ Shiva 25
Shiva Vibal Hel @ Shiva 23
Shiva Jon-uwu Weebcaster @ Shiva 17
Shiva Silphi El'nino @ Shiva 15
Shiva Daphne Mondlilie @ Shiva 15
Shiva Fran Schwarzfeuer @ Twintania 15
Shiva Gold Roger @ Shiva 15
Shiva Rem Misumi @ Shiva 13
Shiva Gloomy Shyness @ Shiva 13
Shiva Seymour Jung @ Shiva 13
Shiva Aurox Albright @ Shiva 13
Shiva Morbo Dorbo @ Shiva 13
Shiva Baniboo Pinku @ Shiva 13
Shiva Lunari Lanuri @ Shiva 11
Shiva Other 2748
Coeurl Vuni Duskwalker @ Coeurl 36
Coeurl Lisette Delphina @ Coeurl 29
Coeurl Yuta Okkotsu @ Coeurl 22
Coeurl Anomek Rake @ Coeurl 19
Coeurl Yojimboo Ifrit @ Coeurl 18
Coeurl Mike Tesla @ Coeurl 16
Coeurl Eiryu Akmanu @ Coeurl 16
Coeurl Mystic Meow @ Coeurl 14
Coeurl Ada Beans @ Coeurl 13
Coeurl Zien Gown @ Coeurl 13
Coeurl Tetsuro Wulf @ Coeurl 13
Coeurl Niriyha Goldenheart @ Coeurl 12
Coeurl Desperius Maken @ Coeurl 12
Coeurl Altira Swift @ Coeurl 12
Coeurl Loup Whiteclaw @ Coeurl 12
Coeurl Other 2645
Ridill Toto Mochi @ Ridill 218
Ridill Toto Mochi @ Hades 76
Ridill Francis Xavier @ Ridill 22
Ridill Recon Rolling @ Ridill 21
Ridill Orux Blockchain @ Ridill 21
Ridill Honey Baum @ Ridill 20
Ridill Eve Neko @ Ridill 20
Ridill Potiron Foret @ Ridill 20
Ridill Gesetz Rin @ Ridill 19
Ridill Edward White @ Ridill 19
Ridill Sol Hyperion @ Ridill 19
Ridill Irina Mato @ Ridill 18
Ridill Yaten Amatu @ Ridill 17
Ridill D'lauren Tia @ Ridill 17
Ridill Eliza Taylor @ Ridill 16
Ridill Other 2295
Alpha Nortellini Tortellini @ Alpha 26
Alpha Saizo Ichimonji @ Alpha 25
Alpha Elisa Hely @ Alpha 23
Alpha Uno Varah @ Alpha 18
Alpha Raz Kikori @ Alpha 18
Alpha Phi Br @ Alpha 16
Alpha Myu Caelum @ Alpha 15
Alpha Toka Kirishima @ Alpha 14
Alpha Bloo Brew @ Alpha 14
Alpha Plinky Plonk @ Alpha 14
Alpha Hiro Bohdi @ Alpha 13
Alpha Melanie Ende @ Alpha 13
Alpha Somefin Dee @ Alpha 13
Alpha Lily Ukiyo @ Alpha 13
Alpha Rapha Koen @ Alpha 12
Alpha Other 2561
Louisoix Blue Meadow @ Louisoix 24
Louisoix Koharu Shikibo @ Louisoix 24
Louisoix Hina Shiomi @ Louisoix 20
Louisoix Zen Trand @ Louisoix 19
Louisoix Warden Revos @ Louisoix 17
Louisoix Valistair Arrowshot @ Louisoix 14
Louisoix Teknetia Dazkar @ Louisoix 14
Louisoix Elra Din @ Louisoix 14
Louisoix Aloy Gwd @ Louisoix 14
Louisoix Maria Nearl @ Louisoix 13
Louisoix Yori Doku @ Louisoix 13
Louisoix Phrozen Puscifer @ Louisoix 13
Louisoix Jebei Phaezen @ Louisoix 12
Louisoix Zaruian Qestir @ Louisoix 11
Louisoix Luneth Highwind @ Louisoix 10
Louisoix Other 2528
Tiamat Miel Fluer @ Tiamat 53
Tiamat Nell Dianasch @ Tiamat 27
Tiamat Cherry Peach @ Tiamat 24
Tiamat Chappy Wild @ Tiamat 24
Tiamat Hogehoge Coop @ Tiamat 23
Tiamat Nicolas White @ Tiamat 21
Tiamat Kibara Hime @ Tiamat 20
Tiamat Ui Fearnot @ Tiamat 19
Tiamat Haru Maplewood @ Tiamat 18
Tiamat Selenica Rg @ Tiamat 17
Tiamat Now Qu @ Tiamat 16
Tiamat Haru Bake @ Tiamat 16
Tiamat Touga Sogetsu @ Tiamat 15
Tiamat Rie Tumet @ Tiamat 14
Tiamat Choco Ichigo @ Tiamat 14
Tiamat Other 2428
Goblin Yuki Sakura @ Goblin 40
Goblin Noire Agents @ Goblin 28
Goblin Murakumo Kusanagi @ Goblin 25
Goblin Mead Litholt @ Goblin 22
Goblin Sylas Hendrick @ Goblin 19
Goblin Ulysses Dragniel @ Goblin 19
Goblin Phes Eberhardt @ Goblin 19
Goblin Dps Dom @ Goblin 18
Goblin Rena Shoji @ Goblin 17
Goblin Angel'lus Zero @ Phantom 15
Goblin Beetle Insect @ Goblin 14
Goblin Megumi Highwind @ Goblin 12
Goblin Zana Hime @ Goblin 12
Goblin Zael Nox @ Goblin 11
Goblin Omen Artorias @ Goblin 11
Goblin Other 2447
Fenrir Haina Reincarnation @ Fenrir 70
Fenrir Crys Lucent @ Fenrir 60
Fenrir D-neku Wilkinson @ Fenrir 29
Fenrir Rin Forsyth @ Fenrir 23
Fenrir Leonhard Hext @ Fenrir 22
Fenrir Kyo Stella @ Fenrir 21
Fenrir Fao Yaruki-little @ Fenrir 20
Fenrir Karona Artemis @ Fenrir 20
Fenrir Megu-k-yasu Star @ Fenrir 19
Fenrir Ares Gradivus @ Fenrir 19
Fenrir Asdf Qwer @ Fenrir 18
Fenrir Marrie Madame @ Fenrir 17
Fenrir Kobu Leaf @ Fenrir 17
Fenrir Shiba White @ Fenrir 16
Fenrir Sim Sim @ Fenrir 16
Fenrir Other 2317
Ixion Leo Aqua @ Ixion 45
Ixion Angel's Ladder @ Ixion 31
Ixion Da N- @ Ixion 27
Ixion Waun Siu @ Ixion 27
Ixion Akua Rainbow @ Bahamut 24
Ixion Ade Mtks @ Valefor 22
Ixion Labbit Zulu @ Ixion 20
Ixion Luna Einzbern @ Anima 18
Ixion Kanata Sevenstars @ Ixion 17
Ixion Lemon Orquidea @ Ixion 15
Ixion Shina Laurent @ Ixion 15
Ixion Maritha Tsukimi @ Ixion 15
Ixion Hacyune Cy @ Atomos 15
Ixion Logique Formelle @ Ixion 15
Ixion Linne Ich @ Ixion 14
Ixion Other 2367
Alexander Seless Hisamura @ Alexander 37
Alexander Tom Delonge @ Alexander 31
Alexander Ashera Ema @ Alexander 30
Alexander Velvet Berseria @ Alexander 29
Alexander Aoi Ondeine @ Alexander 29
Alexander Olivia Typez @ Alexander 27
Alexander Yachiru Lala @ Alexander 26
Alexander Natsume C' @ Alexander 24
Alexander Glico Swallowtail @ Alexander 23
Alexander Key Zoi @ Alexander 22
Alexander Sanku Red @ Alexander 19
Alexander Neko Nonno @ Alexander 19
Alexander Tsukasa Tosan @ Alexander 18
Alexander Haru Laun @ Alexander 17
Alexander Kyuro Cat @ Alexander 17
Alexander Other 2277
Mateus Tsuchi Noko @ Mateus 43
Mateus Yura Tsurugin @ Mateus 39
Mateus Iliara Brightmoon @ Mateus 32
Mateus Odilon Sauvagerlain @ Mateus 30
Mateus Yumi Akiyama @ Mateus 26
Mateus Vadia Voxhumi @ Mateus 24
Mateus Aurora Hena @ Mateus 24
Mateus Rotasu Yumishi @ Mateus 23
Mateus Eri'oni A'yumi @ Mateus 21
Mateus Synn Lycoris @ Mateus 20
Mateus Dhara Fujiwara @ Mateus 19
Mateus Seraphina Nox @ Mateus 19
Mateus Vatria Malorcen @ Mateus 16
Mateus Murakumo Kusanagi @ Goblin 15
Mateus Magu Dazkar @ Mateus 12
Mateus Other 2250
Asura Ume Tan @ Asura 53
Asura Lewis Renezephyra @ Asura 40
Asura Rukuna Greerio @ Asura 34
Asura Moyako Sune @ Asura 30
Asura Pienta Cometa @ Bahamut 25
Asura Kawauso Etopylica @ Asura 25
Asura Fujitaso Sevenstars @ Carbuncle 23
Asura Alec Salt @ Asura 23
Asura Straycat Okinawa @ Asura 21
Asura Hirototto Dunois @ Asura 17
Asura Rainy Yurina @ Kujata 15
Asura Peanut Fruit @ Asura 15
Asura Shin Shinku @ Asura 14
Asura Hope Yeager @ Asura 13
Asura Mew Chloe @ Asura 13
Asura Other 2220
Pandaemonium Nepia Nepi @ Pandaemonium 31
Pandaemonium Yuyu Spica @ Pandaemonium 30
Pandaemonium Su-miii Nn @ Pandaemonium 25
Pandaemonium Rina Rulu @ Pandaemonium 22
Pandaemonium Wizz Tree @ Pandaemonium 21
Pandaemonium Veigar Kun @ Pandaemonium 20
Pandaemonium Persoana Immortal @ Pandaemonium 19
Pandaemonium Donamet Shootingstar @ Carbuncle 17
Pandaemonium Liz Selene @ Pandaemonium 17
Pandaemonium Yonah Gestalt @ Pandaemonium 16
Pandaemonium Milano Collection'at @ Pandaemonium 16
Pandaemonium Ryun Shinomiya @ Pandaemonium 16
Pandaemonium Sio Pin @ Ultima 15
Pandaemonium Paula Stella @ Pandaemonium 15
Pandaemonium Tc Ivy @ Pandaemonium 15
Pandaemonium Other 2280
Titan Mel Agora @ Titan 46
Titan Kaeru Wesker- @ Titan 29
Titan Kafka Nimo @ Titan 29
Titan Nothinking Jump @ Titan 27
Titan Kaede Ortiz @ Titan 24
Titan White-socked Athlete @ Titan 19
Titan Yu Yu'pi @ Valefor 18
Titan Grace Riviere @ Titan 17
Titan Yozora Hoshi @ Titan 16
Titan Masuter Master @ Titan 15
Titan Kaname Nqrse @ Titan 15
Titan Aya Yura @ Titan 15
Titan Mida Non @ Titan 13
Titan Masaboom Safari @ Titan 13
Titan Amatsuka Sayla @ Titan 12
Titan Other 2239
Yojimbo Wan Lotz @ Yojimbo 27
Yojimbo Zirubou Romtan @ Yojimbo 24
Yojimbo Ochiya Dx @ Yojimbo 23
Yojimbo Kiki Fi @ Yojimbo 22
Yojimbo Mr Sasoriza @ Yojimbo 21
Yojimbo Yuyu Zibanyan @ Yojimbo 21
Yojimbo Mia Malux @ Yojimbo 18
Yojimbo Siro Mao @ Yojimbo 18
Yojimbo Sagyouin Gaiki @ Yojimbo 18
Yojimbo Miya Honma @ Yojimbo 17
Yojimbo Eclair Cake @ Yojimbo 17
Yojimbo Valerio Molkot @ Yojimbo 16
Yojimbo William Tiger @ Yojimbo 16
Yojimbo Pastel Colour @ Yojimbo 15
Yojimbo T- Buddha @ Yojimbo 15
Yojimbo Other 2233
Bahamut Monchi Lupinus @ Bahamut 34
Bahamut Rouya Nezumiya @ Bahamut 30
Bahamut Eorzea Ishgard @ Bahamut 30
Bahamut Monolith Lith @ Bahamut 22
Bahamut Yuria Abe @ Bahamut 19
Bahamut Toma Ty @ Bahamut 19
Bahamut Coffin Black @ Bahamut 19
Bahamut Nanayu Vt @ Bahamut 18
Bahamut Takayuki Suzuoki @ Bahamut 17
Bahamut Rasuta Beyond @ Mandragora 16
Bahamut Monaou Pennington @ Bahamut 15
Bahamut Ropio Cloudy @ Bahamut 14
Bahamut Yana Rider @ Bahamut 13
Bahamut Eri Eri @ Bahamut 13
Bahamut Cha Panda @ Bahamut 13
Bahamut Other 2194
Phantom Alucardia Hellsing @ Phantom 26
Phantom C'muetalfange Tia @ Phantom 22
Phantom Spedah Sashihai @ Phantom 22
Phantom Swiss Roll @ Phantom 19
Phantom Azrael Dark @ Phantom 17
Phantom Aurora Hilton @ Phantom 16
Phantom Beatrice Castor @ Phantom 15
Phantom Prima Donna @ Phantom 13
Phantom Ai Hoshi @ Phantom 13
Phantom Kaede Musa @ Phantom 13
Phantom Natalie Rhel @ Phantom 13
Phantom Alix Daemon @ Phantom 13
Phantom Shirayuki Heiko @ Phantom 13
Phantom Eratin Grimald @ Phantom 13
Phantom Kou Tarot @ Phantom 12
Phantom Other 2242
Ultima Oct Amuamu @ Ultima 33
Ultima Chiko Lly @ Ultima 27
Ultima Rico Azzaro @ Chocobo 26
Ultima Raphtalia Rockvalley @ Ultima 25
Ultima Good Gaidoll @ Ultima 24
Ultima Sato Sahara @ Ultima 23
Ultima Alice Zot @ Ultima 21
Ultima Shigure Kiri @ Ultima 20
Ultima Yuzu Taro @ Ultima 20
Ultima Llaby Lespaul @ Ultima 20
Ultima Merry Shirahoshi @ Ultima 19
Ultima Feli Tanzerin @ Ultima 18
Ultima Anbud Solace @ Ultima 17
Ultima Pp Way @ Ultima 16
Ultima Flora Fiorello @ Ultima 16
Ultima Other 2098
Ifrit Lux Man @ Ifrit 36
Ifrit Nuime Kinaco @ Ifrit 31
Ifrit Ena Ravy @ Ifrit 22
Ifrit Yuki Noji @ Ifrit 22
Ifrit Usa Hana @ Ifrit 18
Ifrit Ren Fenrir @ Ifrit 17
Ifrit Zero Jhom @ Ifrit 16
Ifrit Atto Pi @ Ifrit 16
Ifrit Nagi Amane @ Ifrit 15
Ifrit Meer Campbell @ Ifrit 14
Ifrit Anima'nio Animus @ Ifrit 14
Ifrit Donbei Kitsune @ Ifrit 14
Ifrit Yanawaraba Gemingyt @ Ifrit 14
Ifrit Purupuru Kurukuru @ Ifrit 13
Ifrit Sartoraeus Schneider @ Ifrit 13
Ifrit Other 2136
Durandal Pea Chan @ Durandal 43
Durandal Madoka Aoi @ Durandal 28
Durandal Pinotan Felis @ Durandal 27
Durandal Nike Cruz @ Durandal 27
Durandal Elaina Ashen-witch @ Durandal 25
Durandal Nasia Ideal @ Durandal 24
Durandal Roa Valdamjong @ Durandal 23
Durandal Ritsu Maxia @ Durandal 23
Durandal Shino Miyama- @ Durandal 21
Durandal Leese Weaver @ Durandal 19
Durandal Huzi Stealth @ Durandal 18
Durandal Luchia Manbou @ Durandal 18
Durandal Whip Lip @ Durandal 18
Durandal Mox Masa @ Durandal 16
Durandal Varakiel Reve @ Durandal 15
Durandal Other 2013
Masamune Kuro Key @ Zeromus 96
Masamune Boss Battle @ Masamune 31
Masamune Hikari Rusi @ Masamune 24
Masamune Puchi Chacha @ Masamune 24
Masamune Sou Yuki @ Valefor 19
Masamune Exa Ignis @ Ultima 15
Masamune Nagare San @ Masamune 14
Masamune Kyoho Puriku @ Masamune 14
Masamune Vivian Vionnet @ Masamune 13
Masamune Celavi Clestea @ Durandal 12
Masamune Luca Sirena @ Masamune 11
Masamune Ame Watagashi @ Ridill 11
Masamune Doctor King @ Valefor 11
Masamune Syun Minamoto @ Typhon 11
Masamune Napo Manzimaru @ Masamune 10
Masamune Other 1936
Typhon Fam Chrono @ Typhon 37
Typhon Fierce Seraph @ Typhon 26
Typhon Kinoko Delete @ Typhon 24
Typhon Albert' Wesker @ Typhon 23
Typhon Kurotobi Tachibana @ Typhon 22
Typhon As Ty @ Typhon 19
Typhon Soup Tomato @ Typhon 18
Typhon Eriko Ebisawa @ Typhon 18
Typhon Superhoooot Gwawa @ Typhon 18
Typhon Karis Reyn @ Typhon 17
Typhon Limin Iyas @ Typhon 16
Typhon Fuyou Satosi @ Typhon 15
Typhon Poyoyoyo Poyo @ Typhon 15
Typhon Louard Wolf @ Typhon 15
Typhon Esca Coltith @ Typhon 14
Typhon Other 1945
Belias Dan Can's @ Belias 33
Belias Nari Masa @ Belias 29
Belias Take Nokonoko @ Belias 27
Belias Kotetu Tora @ Belias 27
Belias Ika Tyan @ Belias 25
Belias Asari Zara @ Belias 21
Belias Dusan Slendisch @ Belias 21
Belias Maca Macca @ Belias 20
Belias Astro Mercury @ Belias 19
Belias Nina Che @ Belias 18
Belias Yope Olive @ Belias 17
Belias Mei'c' Eruku @ Belias 16
Belias Kabaodori Punch @ Belias 14
Belias Cham Ch'a'm @ Belias 14
Belias Chobi Shuvan @ Belias 13
Belias Other 1917
Unicorn Rebecca Lea @ Unicorn 51
Unicorn Kakeru Aizawa @ Unicorn 32
Unicorn Riz Taylor @ Unicorn 24
Unicorn Avicii Laki @ Unicorn 21
Unicorn Madeleine Citron @ Unicorn 20
Unicorn Ran Moe @ Unicorn 20
Unicorn Per Morgana @ Unicorn 19
Unicorn Re Bunny @ Unicorn 19
Unicorn Alva Ornate @ Unicorn 19
Unicorn Hope Flores @ Unicorn 18
Unicorn Doraemon Ibbu @ Unicorn 18
Unicorn Inocent White @ Unicorn 15
Unicorn Pakumer Saga @ Unicorn 15
Unicorn Leilia Fina @ Unicorn 14
Unicorn Rina Else @ Unicorn 14
Unicorn Other 1754
Valefor Kazaguruma Yaiba @ Valefor 33
Valefor Pico Porachuca @ Valefor 23
Valefor Licoco Lico @ Valefor 20
Valefor Mitu Mangrove @ Valefor 17
Valefor Moka Momon @ Valefor 17
Valefor Altria Babu @ Valefor 17
Valefor Anzu Prunus @ Valefor 16
Valefor Azuki Hisa @ Valefor 15
Valefor Tary Tmolus @ Valefor 15
Valefor Eks Tetsu @ Valefor 14
Valefor Ena Merry @ Valefor 14
Valefor Final Fantazeed @ Valefor 14
Valefor Gia Gloria @ Valefor 14
Valefor Zinnia Aster @ Valefor 14
Valefor Roi Alty @ Valefor 14
Valefor Other 1812
Aegis Devil Zero @ Aegis 30
Aegis Elly'sabeth Songbird @ Aegis 28
Aegis Mufu Moofu @ Aegis 28
Aegis Nanao Tsukishiro @ Aegis 26
Aegis Pxlo T- @ Aegis 22
Aegis Elu Amai @ Alexander 21
Aegis Mele Blanche @ Aegis 20
Aegis Tsukune Chang @ Aegis 18
Aegis Sunny Sky @ Aegis 17
Aegis Nabe San @ Aegis 17
Aegis Kousei Tenkuu @ Aegis 15
Aegis Anshar Hilde @ Aegis 15
Aegis Curry Yellow @ Aegis 14
Aegis Waack Vogue @ Aegis 14
Aegis Colin Ronye @ Aegis 14
Aegis Other 1760
Marilith Akagi Murasaki @ Marilith 30
Marilith Alexio Baham @ Marilith 25
Marilith Biboo Koseki @ Marilith 22
Marilith Ruby Everflow @ Marilith 21
Marilith Selina Khan @ Marilith 15
Marilith Ayvrielle Du'faigh @ Ultros 15
Marilith Aurora Adoulin @ Marilith 14
Marilith Nyx Darkly @ Exodus 14
Marilith Zenzo Aurion @ Gilgamesh 13
Marilith Felis Felix @ Marilith 13
Marilith Evani Rosinante @ Marilith 12
Marilith Skathix Rebirth @ Marilith 11
Marilith Tayloir Carp @ Sargatanas 11
Marilith M'kalash Tia @ Zalera 10
Marilith Fed Ayako @ Marilith 10
Marilith Other 1761
Zeromus Magic Mana @ Zeromus 34
Zeromus Gedou Iso @ Zeromus 29
Zeromus Rin Albus @ Zeromus 26
Zeromus Curo Suke @ Zeromus 21
Zeromus Ingrmngr Rum @ Zeromus 20
Zeromus Ruri Ruriruri @ Zeromus 19
Zeromus Barnabas Tandu @ Zeromus 18
Zeromus Anne Grunewald @ Zeromus 16
Zeromus Momo Ko @ Zeromus 16
Zeromus Onpu Moseusi @ Zeromus 15
Zeromus Aloushe Anatomia @ Zeromus 14
Zeromus Siro Millarca @ Zeromus 14
Zeromus Sub Hosi @ Zeromus 14
Zeromus Ruka Winter @ Zeromus 13
Zeromus Sayu Ronsard @ Zeromus 13
Zeromus Other 1684
Sophia Snowcloud Sevf @ Sophia 31
Sophia Clia Eva @ Sophia 29
Sophia Icarus Lockhart @ Sophia 28
Sophia Tad Mendezz @ Sophia 25
Sophia X'chi Lotsuma @ Sophia 20
Sophia Jye Jye @ Sophia 18
Sophia Ruri Ruri @ Sophia 18
Sophia Epurus Vagrant @ Sophia 14
Sophia Panadeine Forte @ Sophia 14
Sophia Elyon Ascalot @ Sophia 13
Sophia Rikka Eyedi @ Sophia 12
Sophia Shnazza Elite @ Ravana 12
Sophia Arcadia Stern @ Sophia 12
Sophia Ciestra Stormrose @ Sophia 12
Sophia Athena Pallas @ Sophia 12
Sophia Other 1656
Sephirot Orin Six @ Sephirot 24
Sephirot Poly Cirha @ Sephirot 23
Sephirot Koopa Aoi @ Sephirot 21
Sephirot Askeyer Trepe @ Sephirot 15
Sephirot Fayra Vel @ Sephirot 15
Sephirot Tobara Bobaboba @ Sephirot 14
Sephirot Tari Varma @ Sephirot 13
Sephirot Elyon Ascalot @ Sophia 13
Sephirot Pennene Melody @ Sephirot 12
Sephirot Thomas Alvis @ Lamia 12
Sephirot Aivelia Nightgazer @ Sephirot 11
Sephirot Titania Zechs @ Sephirot 11
Sephirot Astral Delacroix @ Sephirot 10
Sephirot Mide Mide @ Sephirot 10
Sephirot Lucky Owl @ Sephirot 10
Sephirot Other 1677
Carbuncle Kuro Mochi @ Carbuncle 23
Carbuncle Teu Queue @ Carbuncle 22
Carbuncle Walt Key @ Carbuncle 21
Carbuncle Woof Lenny @ Carbuncle 19
Carbuncle Drak'ar Zar'i @ Carbuncle 18
Carbuncle Alba Lux @ Carbuncle 16
Carbuncle Mocha Frappe' @ Carbuncle 15
Carbuncle Ruu Calm @ Carbuncle 14
Carbuncle River Rue @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Fatum Orbit @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Pirakou Pipipi @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Tachibana Orange @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Alice Springs @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Yui Utatane @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Fin Kazuhi @ Carbuncle 13
Carbuncle Other 1643
Mandragora Yumiko Vikutoria @ Mandragora 39
Mandragora Yacha Axel @ Mandragora 30
Mandragora Kimino Saiainohito @ Mandragora 29
Mandragora Anepo Chan @ Mandragora 29
Mandragora Adel Cruz @ Mandragora 22
Mandragora Ki Kiirono @ Mandragora 21
Mandragora Simon Tremmel @ Mandragora 20
Mandragora Rikken Ymir @ Mandragora 20
Mandragora Elley Marette @ Mandragora 20
Mandragora Sophia Versus @ Mandragora 18
Mandragora Hali Vidro @ Mandragora 18
Mandragora Jerry Valentine @ Mandragora 17
Mandragora Mitsuki Rosegalette @ Mandragora 16
Mandragora Benkei Musashibou @ Mandragora 15
Mandragora Ao Tuki @ Mandragora 14
Mandragora Other 1547
Kraken Xerxes Proudmoore @ Kraken 23
Kraken Tromad Moonrose @ Coeurl 17
Kraken Ysera Vexx @ Kraken 14
Kraken Ghastly Ghost @ Kraken 12
Kraken Vidrin Dallas @ Kraken 11
Kraken Bear Winters @ Sargatanas 10
Kraken Ele Bit @ Leviathan 10
Kraken Xonuh'tan Noolge @ Kraken 10
Kraken Jenkshi Bairon @ Kraken 9
Kraken Sinclair Cortado @ Kraken 9
Kraken Odon Voidclaw @ Adamantoise 9
Kraken Bird Raven @ Kraken 9
Kraken Empty Tortilla @ Kraken 9
Kraken R'ahye Silkhaia @ Kraken 8
Kraken Tahji Tayu @ Kraken 8
Kraken Other 1701
Sagittarius Xena Lia @ Sagittarius 60
Sagittarius Delita Tzelwurm @ Sagittarius 22
Sagittarius Volva Yamada @ Sagittarius 22
Sagittarius Zelly Mercury @ Sagittarius 16
Sagittarius Nynaeve Mandrogoran @ Sagittarius 14
Sagittarius Sae Ilfin @ Sagittarius 14
Sagittarius Argyrus Haywood @ Sagittarius 14
Sagittarius Zeck Merquise @ Sagittarius 14
Sagittarius Arla Mjolk @ Sagittarius 13
Sagittarius Tsuko Rayon @ Sagittarius 13
Sagittarius Crim Lombardy @ Sagittarius 12
Sagittarius Rex Armstrongh @ Sagittarius 12
Sagittarius Trishula Vanarmory @ Sagittarius 12
Sagittarius Ophelie Aurifort @ Sagittarius 12
Sagittarius Feys Feysis @ Sagittarius 11
Sagittarius Other 1582
Shinryu Radiant Fang @ Shinryu 41
Shinryu Lily Hoshikawa @ Shinryu 36
Shinryu Mr Fullswing @ Shinryu 27
Shinryu I'sana Tia @ Shinryu 25
Shinryu Miya Rose @ Shinryu 19
Shinryu Sanngi Saaan @ Shinryu 18
Shinryu Techi Kugami @ Shinryu 17
Shinryu Lennah Fiore @ Gungnir 17
Shinryu Xemnas Orca @ Shinryu 16
Shinryu Toroikkan Sushi @ Shinryu 16
Shinryu N- Suis @ Shinryu 15
Shinryu Rose Winecellar @ Shinryu 13
Shinryu Arua Wolndara @ Shinryu 13
Shinryu Allan Rael @ Shinryu 12
Shinryu Din Djarin @ Shinryu 12
Shinryu Other 1537
Ramuh Asta Shio @ Ramuh 32
Ramuh Dione Titan @ Ramuh 18
Ramuh Suzu Ebara @ Ramuh 17
Ramuh Rin Setsua @ Ramuh 16
Ramuh Omame Pea @ Ramuh 15
Ramuh Wa Ful @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Haru Scalp @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Ashera Ema @ Alexander 12
Ramuh Kou Pheles @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Ib Profen @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Kanon Minayuki @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Niereveil Noa @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Safia Aldora @ Ramuh 12
Ramuh Usami Natsuki @ Ramuh 11
Ramuh Mayu Wisteria @ Ramuh 11
Ramuh Other 1531
Garuda Quadler Yotsunoha @ Garuda 28
Garuda Noah Ihatov @ Garuda 22
Garuda Kaden Koucha @ Garuda 21
Garuda Zeroria Deathpierce @ Garuda 20
Garuda Michael Blanc @ Garuda 19
Garuda Sinister Irene @ Garuda 18
Garuda Rim Caelum @ Garuda 16
Garuda Snoopy Superbeagle @ Garuda 14
Garuda Low Grown @ Garuda 14
Garuda Saki'n Dee'z @ Garuda 13
Garuda Syana Redkurifu @ Garuda 13
Garuda Spica Valentine @ Garuda 13
Garuda Rion Tsukuyomi @ Garuda 13
Garuda Kei Neko @ Garuda 12
Garuda Mythra Sylverleaf @ Garuda 12
Garuda Other 1496
Atomos Kaman Bell @ Atomos 23
Atomos You Zzz @ Atomos 23
Atomos Yanagizome Susuki @ Atomos 21
Atomos Jamjam Dachs @ Atomos 19
Atomos Arusu Saaan @ Atomos 19
Atomos Yuki Aim @ Atomos 17
Atomos Meta Zoan @ Atomos 15
Atomos Noah Nordea @ Atomos 15
Atomos Alfort White @ Atomos 14
Atomos Asa San @ Atomos 14
Atomos Sasha Sias @ Atomos 13
Atomos Lotus Arulaq @ Atomos 12
Atomos Jack Winchester @ Atomos 12
Atomos Towa Nemi @ Atomos 11
Atomos Shion Fuyunagi @ Atomos 11
Atomos Other 1445
Maduin Shadow Wickedfrost @ Maduin 43
Maduin Sorja Huntress @ Maduin 25
Maduin Kinom Shinobi @ Maduin 19
Maduin Maya Starr @ Sargatanas 12
Maduin Maki Akagane @ Maduin 11
Maduin Azaan Ronso @ Maduin 10
Maduin Ren Nocturnus @ Maduin 10
Maduin Bill Gates @ Maduin 10
Maduin Svafa Hervorsdottir @ Maduin 10
Maduin Shirou Homura @ Hyperion 10
Maduin John Oppenheimer @ Maduin 10
Maduin Veve Deltat @ Maduin 10
Maduin Maximillian Molkot @ Maduin 9
Maduin Zek Sanosuke @ Diabolos 9
Maduin Drunkn Smols @ Maduin 8
Maduin Other 1324
Gungnir Teego Highwind @ Gungnir 24
Gungnir Lazy Smile @ Gungnir 22
Gungnir Abonugar Oyogu @ Gungnir 19
Gungnir Bostom Nakirii @ Gungnir 19
Gungnir Eric L-webber @ Gungnir 16
Gungnir Pippa Pipapoppy @ Gungnir 16
Gungnir Deeko Crystal @ Gungnir 12
Gungnir Koko Dayo' @ Gungnir 12
Gungnir Senia Diaras @ Gungnir 11
Gungnir A'atos Tia @ Gungnir 11
Gungnir Ayame Aba @ Gungnir 11
Gungnir Blrec Ckei @ Gungnir 10
Gungnir Shino Nyanko @ Gungnir 10
Gungnir Ygritte Lita @ Gungnir 10
Gungnir Moca Stella @ Gungnir 10
Gungnir Other 1300
Cuchulainn Fushiguro Zuluban @ Hyperion 21
Cuchulainn Seika Torioi @ Cuchulainn 20
Cuchulainn Memehu Mehu @ Cuchulainn 16
Cuchulainn Vesta Enigma @ Goblin 10
Cuchulainn Meowsow Meowsow @ Cuchulainn 10
Cuchulainn Khani Dus-amabilia @ Brynhildr 10
Cuchulainn Johnathan Williams @ Hyperion 10
Cuchulainn X'dhovaka Yascaret @ Siren 9
Cuchulainn Sushi Daddy @ Lamia 8
Cuchulainn Dynamis Dust @ Maduin 8
Cuchulainn Butch Bearhugs @ Exodus 7
Cuchulainn Celestia Brittle @ Coeurl 7
Cuchulainn Light Sauce @ Cuchulainn 7
Cuchulainn Ezekil Hajile @ Zalera 6
Cuchulainn Cabbage Turtle @ Famfrit 6
Cuchulainn Other 1283
Golem Brock Waggoner @ Golem 33
Golem Weiss Zena @ Golem 23
Golem X'dhovaka Yascaret @ Siren 14
Golem Saphira Orion @ Rafflesia 14
Golem Carmen Young @ Golem 9
Golem Harvsune Beaku @ Golem 8
Golem Oletha Dei-ijla @ Golem 8
Golem L'koliwe Rhel @ Golem 8
Golem Dynamis Dust @ Maduin 7
Golem Gaming Time @ Golem 7
Golem Stephen Heyen @ Ultros 7
Golem Chris Leblanc @ Golem 7
Golem Ark Bayo @ Midgardsormr 6
Golem Randaru Elysia @ Golem 6
Golem Jeszie Jane @ Golem 6
Golem Other 1023
Rafflesia Saphira Orion @ Rafflesia 31
Rafflesia Xan Dan @ Rafflesia 26
Rafflesia Lady Orillia @ Rafflesia 10
Rafflesia Blade Rave @ Faerie 9
Rafflesia Rey Starborn @ Rafflesia 9
Rafflesia Og Mandingo @ Rafflesia 8
Rafflesia Calbik Calbik @ Diabolos 8
Rafflesia Aranea Amicitia @ Adamantoise 8
Rafflesia Dynamis Dust @ Maduin 7
Rafflesia Kysa Skau @ Rafflesia 7
Rafflesia Kyoudei Encride @ Rafflesia 7
Rafflesia Lotus Legacy @ Ultros 7
Rafflesia Candy Apple @ Rafflesia 6
Rafflesia Dawn Vigil @ Rafflesia 6
Rafflesia Myname'es Jeff @ Midgardsormr 6
Rafflesia Other 857
Bismarck Shiro Usagi @ Bismarck 15
Bismarck Lulutsu Lutsu @ Louisoix 14
Bismarck Kuro Jeager @ Bismarck 10
Bismarck Mydia Viras @ Bismarck 9
Bismarck Elyon Ascalot @ Sophia 9
Bismarck Raynor James @ Bismarck 8
Bismarck Nethalia Malqir @ Bismarck 8
Bismarck Shoyo Mare @ Bismarck 7
Bismarck Daiguren Ukiyo @ Aegis 6
Bismarck Aspiring Stepdad @ Bismarck 6
Bismarck Lumaira Luna @ Bismarck 5
Bismarck Cid Mid @ Bismarck 5
Bismarck Eric Goldwing @ Bismarck 5
Bismarck Ihearu Gotsomeshotas @ Bismarck 5
Bismarck Takita Forsen @ Bismarck 5
Bismarck Other 545
Zurvan Jack O'spade @ Zurvan 17
Zurvan Raena Mur @ Kujata 14
Zurvan Alex Inebess @ Zurvan 11
Zurvan Sonny Gibbs @ Zurvan 9
Zurvan Zurasaki Imp @ Sephirot 9
Zurvan Sigrid Tora @ Zurvan 8
Zurvan Ra'ya Moonshade @ Zurvan 8
Zurvan Volt Senmurv @ Asura 8
Zurvan Elyon Ascalot @ Sophia 8
Zurvan Gharred Bhergidh @ Zurvan 7
Zurvan Aeterium Bane @ Zeromus 7
Zurvan Frida Orbeck @ Zurvan 7
Zurvan Its Capricorn @ Zurvan 7
Zurvan Kanade Kiria @ Faerie 6
Zurvan Snowcloud Sevf @ Sophia 6
Zurvan Other 476
Innocence Artos Dei @ Spriggan 7
Innocence Blauer Klappstuhl @ Twintania 4
Innocence Rinon Inanna @ Cerberus 4
Innocence Averill Barthandelus @ Ragnarok 3
Innocence Kendal Yuki @ Spriggan 3
Innocence Chu' Kha @ Louisoix 3
Innocence Schmelvin Dotan @ Cerberus 3
Innocence Lucius Menoria @ Sagittarius 3
Innocence Yukiko Nagase @ Alpha 3
Innocence Becore Lemon @ Phoenix 3
Innocence Lora Asmos @ Ragnarok 2
Innocence Malana Banana @ Raiden 2
Innocence Ryu Tylia @ Lich 2
Innocence Duppiz Minami @ Twintania 2
Innocence Caremond Thaurissan @ Lich 2
Innocence Other 255
Titania Blauer Klappstuhl @ Twintania 7
Titania Raigou Veevr @ Phoenix 7
Titania Naine Kruger @ Cerberus 4
Titania Aurora Hilton @ Phantom 3
Titania Laksder Laks @ Spriggan 3
Titania Anty Fan @ Cerberus 3
Titania Shuo Lijen @ Lich 2
Titania Zwelfbyrg Sthalbhar @ Zodiark 2
Titania Taha Batabane @ Odin 2
Titania Cody Collector @ Twintania 2
Titania Nyaa'yaong Neko-chan @ Zodiark 2
Titania J'janto Tia @ Louisoix 2
Titania Calla Riannon @ Spriggan 2
Titania Doctor Death @ Moogle 2
Titania Kazeri Hanabi @ Raiden 2
Titania Other 106
Pixie Becore Lemon @ Phoenix 5
Pixie Calla Riannon @ Spriggan 5
Pixie Blauer Klappstuhl @ Twintania 5
Pixie Raigou Veevr @ Phoenix 4
Pixie Horcrux Mujuuk @ Lich 3
Pixie Shuo Lijen @ Lich 3
Pixie Aurora Hilton @ Phantom 2
Pixie Sarangerel Dagun @ Twintania 2
Pixie Ning Fang @ Omega 2
Pixie J'janto Tia @ Louisoix 2
Pixie Kazeri Hanabi @ Raiden 2
Pixie Lucrinda Leonhart @ Spriggan 2
Pixie Faker Daker @ Lich 2
Pixie Lucius Menoria @ Sagittarius 2
Pixie Tiger Undie @ Alpha 2
Pixie Other 101
Tycoon Lunari Lanuri @ Shiva 3
Tycoon Blauer Klappstuhl @ Twintania 3
Tycoon Anty Fan @ Cerberus 2
Tycoon Sprout Supremacy @ Shiva 2
Tycoon Man Child @ Spriggan 2
Tycoon Becore Lemon @ Phoenix 2
Tycoon Seiko Inoue @ Phoenix 1
Tycoon Kazeri Hanabi @ Raiden 1
Tycoon Isak Molkot @ Phoenix 1
Tycoon Shuo Lijen @ Lich 1
Tycoon Kokoro Darkalu @ Phoenix 1
Tycoon Adkra Daikiri @ Louisoix 1
Tycoon Elia Namka @ Sagittarius 1
Tycoon Masamune Ragnarok @ Odin 1
Tycoon Laksder Laks @ Spriggan 1
Tycoon Other 46

Top hours (UTC)

Hour Count
0 10707
1 10904
2 10764
3 10349
4 9605
5 9374
6 8137
7 7339
8 7182
9 7357
10 8194
11 10707
12 13590
13 15971
14 15818
15 11404
16 10297
17 9975
18 10546
19 10642
20 10458
21 10386
22 9841
23 10457

Top days (UTC)

Name Count
Sunday 42928
Monday 34374
Tuesday 34880
Wednesday 33135
Thursday 30376
Friday 31587
Saturday 42724